News From the Board - January

by Stephanie Rowe

January has been a busy and energizing month.

*First Scott Wunderle gave a presentation on the steeple repairs with fascinating anecdotes and visuals.
 *Laurie Danforth volunteered to send cards to people offering best wishes, comfort, or condolences. Please let Laurie know of anyone you think may need support. *Scott has proposed electrical work on the church. By an email motion and vote by the board, motion sensors will be repaired, thermostats replaced with timers, and our stained glass windows lit from 4pm to midnight to highlight our presence in the community.
*The pledge committee initiated this year’s pledge drive and will be serving a celebratory brunch on Sunday, February 5. If you have not yet made your pledge, please bring it on Sunday or send it to First Universalist Parish of Chester, PO Box 90, 211 North Street, Chester, VT 05156. Thank you.
*Olivia Bernier, on January 29, introduced after the service, a showing of the film, “He Named Me Malawa.” The moving, true story of the teenage Pakistani girl who defied the Taliban to work for education for girls in her country was inspiring. Thank you, Olivia.

A Reminder… Coffee hour has been more successful since a signup sheet has been organized. We need help in four ways to keep it successful:

  1. Sign up to help set up the social hall in the 20 or 30 minutes before service.
  2. Sign up to make coffee. Directions are now posted and it’s not as daunting as it seemed before. Any week you can bring refreshments (baked goods, fruit, cheese, etc.) or help clean up. Two notes