Pro-Refugee Rally Planned in Ludlow
/Say "Yes" to Immigration and Refugees and "No" to Trump’s Ban
When: Saturday, February 4th, 3:30 p.m.-5 p.m.
Where: On sidewalk in front of Ludlow's public library (opposite the town green) on Rte. 103 at the south end of town
Signs: Please make and bring signs in favor of welcoming immigrants and refugees to Vermont and the US, against the Trump ban, against Secure Communities (will allow/encourage local law enforcement across the US to work as border agents for Immigration and Customs Enforcement ICE), in favor of the VT immigrant community, farm workers, refugees…. This rally can also be an opportunity to express your indignation over the many pressing issues we face: the environment, cabinet appointments, shutting down the free press and other causes important to YOU. Feel free to pass this on to others.