January 2019 Newsletter
/Worship Schedule
January 6, 2019
Reverend Kevin Carson | “Recognizing the Holy”
Some thoughts on recognizing what is holy on this Feast of the Epiphany
January 13, 2019
Nicholas Boke | “When was the last time you felt clueless?”
He appropriated the idea from the sign in front of a nearby Congregational church which prompted him to think long and hard about both the nature of cluelessness and the question of how often he felt it (Hint: Often).
January 20, 2019
Reverend Kevin Carson | “Unity and Diversity”
A look at unity and diversity among the world’s religions on “World Religion Day” from the Baha’i faith.
January 27, 2019
Reverend Nancy J. Crumbine | TBA
Principles in Action – January 2019
Each month we take up a collection in the yellow envelopes to support an organization that works to put our UU principles into action. In January, we'll support the Jubilee Sailing Trust. The mission of this organization is to promote the integration of people of all physical abilities through the challenge and adventure of sailing tall ships on the open sea. Two people are paired together:one able-bodied and one physically-disabled. They share the voyage and help one another along the way, developing a special bond that leaves a positive and lasting impression. Over 30 not for profit organizations serving the physically disabled population support this organization, and scholarships are offered to make it accessible to as many people as possible. Changing lives in a positive way through education and teamwork, this organization demonstrates our UU principle of respect for all people.
Principles in Action Meeting
A meeting will be held on January 6, 2019 downstairs in the nursery following worship. The agenda will include identifying organizations for our monthly PIA contributions through the end of the church year and determining if there are other outreach activities
that the congregation should pursue. We welcome new ideas and are looking for some additional folks to join our social action team. Let us know what organizations you would like to see us support. Do you have ideas for a movie and discussion that could take place following worship or on a Friday evening? If so, please share your ideas and contact Nancy Davis to find out more about our initiatives.
President’s Message - January 2019 - Happy New Year to all! At
At our annual meeting on January 9, 2018 our accomplishments and challenges for First Universalist Parish for the coming 2019-2020 season were discussed.
On the positive side:
We have fine-tuned our worship services with excellent results and the facility is running smoothly for another year.
We have worked together to build a volunteer-run children's program.
Our excellent music program continues to delight everyone who attends our services.
The marketing committee made some strides in publicity where it is very challenging to reach a wide audience and increase communication within our community.
We will continue to build our solid foundation and adjust plans as necessary:
Operate within budget without dipping into reserve funds.
Fill the pulpit with guest speakers and lay leaders (twice a month in addition to our regular rotating ministers).
Get our message out through social media.
Add new members and friends to our congregation.
Continue to preserve and improve our beautiful church and grounds.
I am hopeful we'll meet these challenges with positive and realistic action. I have faith in this congregation. As I hear different thoughts and ideas for fellowship and how we might attract more people and young families to our parish, I’m very excited for our future together. The first board meeting of 2019 will be after coffee hour Sunday, January 20. Members and friends are welcome to attend. If you have an item you'd like to include on the agenda please contact me at melodious54@gmail.com.
Take care,
Melody Reed, Board President
Music News
The choir really pulled out all the stops in December! Thank you, ladies and gentlemen for all your hard work!
January 6th: Soloist Julane Deener – The Lone Wild Bird
Chant: Ubi Caritas
January 13th: Soloist Will Danforth – Both Sides Now
Chant: Be Ye Lamps Unto Yourselves
January 20: Choral Anthem: Om Shanti Om
Chant: O God of Countless Names
January 27: Choral Anthem: I Have A Dream
Chant: TBD
We have some exciting projects in the works, so stay tuned for more news from the choir!
Singing Meditation is on January 17th from 6 to 7 this month. Come sing chants and sit in silence with us for an hour of tranquility. Start your New Year with a little less hustle and a little more hush.
The Parish Choir rehearses each Tuesday evening from 6 to 7:30. Interested singers should contact Julane Deener (802) 463-9719 or julanejulane@comcast.net.
Children’s Program for January:
January 6th: Cooking a meal for the Warming Shelter with Ange.
January 13th: Other Religions – Shiva the Superhero with Julane
3rd or 4th Sunday: Craft with Melody
The Children’s Program is subject to short notice changes due to our smaller sized children’s congregation. Please let us know when you plan to attend or when you cannot make it, by emailing julanejulane@comcast.net or calling Julane at 802-463-9719.
Food for Warming Shelter: there is a sign up to provide food for the Warming Shelter in N. Springfield at coffee hour. On the first Sunday of the month, the children will be making a portion of the meal with Ange Wunderle. Thanks to all who have signed up to help with the remaining portions of the meal. There are a few spots still available and this is an easy way to volunteer to help our neighbors who do not have permanent housing. There are approximately 8-10 guests at the shelter each night from November 15th to April 15th. The Shelter is also looking for volunteers to staff the Shelter on the 1am-7am shift. Talk to Nancy Davis if you can help.
notification of cancellation of services as early as possible, but a decision will usually be made
early Sunday morning. So, check your e-mail before church on Sunday if there is any doubt whether
services will be held.