September 2018 Newsletter
/September 10 Rosh Hashanah
September 19 Yom Kippur
September 23 First Day of Autumn
Church Events
Sunday Services begin at 9:30pm; childcare Provided
September 9, 2018, by Nick Boke - Things that Flow
On September 9, we will welcome each other back for another year of singing, musing and meditating as we consider and contemplate things that matter. We’ll begin the year with a water communion, in which we will share water we have brought from our summer activities—from an ocean or a lake, river or pond, well or tap in Bangladesh, Bangor or Bartonville. To wrap things up, I will speak briefly about Things that Flow.
Bring whatever water you want or use water that will be provided as you briefly share something about your summer.
September 16, 2018 by Buffy Boke: “Monkey Wants The Moon”
The service is about a Zen poem similar to a koan. It’s about worrying and trusting. The service will include a 5-minute silent meditation.
September 23, 2018 by Kevin Carson: Tunnels of Hope
Where are the tunnels of hope through our dark mountains of disappointment?
September 30, Kevin Carson: “St. Francis and the Animals”
A celebration of animals and the life of St. Francis of Assisi. l will include a "blessing of the animals" in this service. People are invited to bring their pets.
Principles in Action – September
Each month we collect money that we give to a not for profit organization that works to put our values into action. In September, our collection will go to the Refugee & Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES). This organization provides free and low-cost legal services to immigrant children, families and refugees. Last spring/summer they established a hot line, run by volunteers, to help reunite families.
Worship Committee
The worship committee organized two special summer services and ice cream socials in July and August. Our Sundae Sundays were held in a semi-circle in the fellowship hall downstairs where it was cooler. A few from the congregation attended and enjoyed them thoroughly, saying how nice to see familiar faces again over the summer.
We were all very excited to have Kevyn Malloy and Tony Panzetta surprise us with visit from Pennsylvania and attend one the summer services. My daughter Charity and grandchildren also attended both services (I know it was really Julane's hot fudge that got them here the second time). We will most likely continue the Sundae Sundays next summer. A special thanks and shout out to Julane and Val for donating their time for these services.
The Worship Committee has been working on the pulpit schedule over the summer and I'm happy to say that we are most fortunate to have returning all three of our regular ministers, Nick Boke, Kevin Carson and Nancy Crumbine. Kevin will be in the pulpit twice a month, Nick and Nancy about once a month. Also, Buffy Boke will give a few sermons this season.
.Julane has been busy finding music for the choir to sing and the choir has begun regular Tuesday night practice. Some of Julane's talented students will join us from time to time this season. We are grateful to have them all! Julane has also been gathering music for December's solstice and holiday services. Same as last year there will be a New Year's Eve vesper service lead by the Peace Choir. This year however, New Year's Eve falls on a Monday, December 31. We will NOT have Sunday service on December 30. More on December's special services will be in later newsletters.
Our first service will include a Water Ceremony. Please bring water and a story from your travels this summer. See you soon! ~ Melody, Worship Committee chair
September Music News
After a summer of relaxation, along with anthems and ice cream, the choir has been busy rehearsing and getting ready for the coming months. We have some exciting music to share this fall!
September 9: What a Wonderful World – with a Scott Wunderle trumpet solo
September 16: Simple Gifts
September 23: Vocal Soloist: Julane Deener
September 30: Make Me A Channel of Your Peace: Prayer of St. Francis
The Parish Choir is always happy to welcome new singers into our ensemble. Choir rehearsals are on Tuesdays at 6. If you are interested, please join us!
If you are an instrumentalist who is interested in sharing your gift with our congregation, please speak with Julane after a service on Sunday.
Singing Meditation – interfaith chant interspersed with silence – is open to all who wish for an hour of peace in their lives. We meet the Third Thursday of every month in the Fellowship Hall. Participants don’t need to be ‘singers’ – just willing to use their voice to find the calm center which is always there when we slow down and set aside the day to day for a bit. Curious? Bring a friend and try it out!
First Parish Book Club
We will be meeting on the second Wednesday of the month from October to May. Soup and bread will be served along with the book discussion. Books for each month will be selected by one individual and then we will all vote on the book that we all like the best to read for the next month. I will send out an e-mail to everyone notifying you which book we have selected for October. Everyone is welcome to join us downstairs in the social hall on Wednesday, October 10 for our first meeting this fall.
Message to the Congregation from the Board
Many thanks to Julane Deener, Val Linck and Melody Reed for organizing and promoting our two special summer afternoon services. Services Resume Sunday, September 9th, 9:30am. We are fortunate to have Reverends Nick Boke, Buffy Boke, Kevin Carson and Dr. Nancy Jay Crumbine returning to lead most of our services over the next 9 months.
Hosts Needed
Kevin is generally leading two services a month and we also need to host Nick and Buffy during the Sundays they are in the pulpit – that is hosting 27 Saturday nights. The Danforth, Davis, Holme, Mason and Nanfeldt families have stepped up to cover most of these dates but we still have 7 dates where we need hosts. If you are able to host, please let Nancy Davis or Melody Reed know.
In the absence of congregants hosting, FUP will need to absorb the unbudgeted cost (~$125 per night) of putting ministers up at the Fullerton Inn. If you are unable to host but are able to contribute toward these costs, contact Steven Davis.
Roots of Unitarian Universalism
October 14th & 28th and November 4th, Kevin Carson will be delivering a series of sermons on the history of Unitarian Universalism. Julane is coordinating special music for this series. This is a great time to invite friends who would benefit from understanding the centuries long story of Unitarian Universalism.
Special Holiday Services in December
There will be 3 special Holiday Services in December:
- Dec 16th late afternoon (no morning service): Nancy Crumbine will lead this service. - Dec 23rd will be the traditional Holiday Service with Christmas songs and stories, at the regular 9:30 time. - Monday, Dec 31st late afternoon (no morning service Sunday, Dec 30th) will be led by the Peace Choir under the direction of Julane Deener and will offer a service of music and readings.
Youth Program Suspended
Jamie Maloof has done a great job over the last year with a curriculum that integrated world religious themes and social action. We appreciate the talents that Jamie brought to our program but without a regular core of children attending, it is simply not viable. If we are able to attract 5-6 families with children who are interested in participating on a regular basis, Jamie has indicated that she would consider coming back. She would love to continue the programming that she started.
Vanessa Heybyrne will continue to care for our infants and preschool children. We will have art materials available for any young children who may occasionally attend services.
Our beautiful historic church and grounds continues to be both a great asset and a burden. We depend overwhelmingly on the volunteer efforts of congregants to maintain our building and grounds. A new lawn mower was purchased, and Wendy Swartz, Steven Davis and Scott Wunderle have done the mowing. The annual roof will cost a couple of thousand dollars following the hard winter last year. Scott is evaluating the removal of several trees that are leaning toward our neighbor’s home and are destabilizing the stone wall. The removal of the tree issues is expected to cost several thousand dollars. On a more positive note, the historic marker for the Stone Village Designation will be located on our parish property and will help attract attention to our beautiful building. Money from the Vermont, Quebec & Labrador Universalist Association will be used to buy a bench that will match the others being installed throughout the town in pocket parks. A bake sale fundraiser just before Thanksgiving will be held to raise the additional money needed for the bench funding.
Next Board Meeting: Sunday, October 14th following worship service
Gratefully, Nancy Davis, First Universalist Parish Board of Trustees
Community Events
The Nature Museum will celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Vermont’s original Fairy House Festival on September 29th and 30th. We’re always looking for individuals ready to lend a hand leading up to the festival and especially during the festival weekend. Be a part of the magic! You’ll get in FREE and receive a Fairy House Festival t-shirt. Invite your friends and family to join in the fun. Are you on Facebook? Spreading the word about just how magical the weekend is really helps us as we hope to attract new families and visitors who may not be aware of the festival. Learn more about the festival on the Nature Museum’s website.