Medicine Wheel Unit with Jamie Maloof and Other RE Happenings
/by Lisa Crocker, Religious Education Leader
This upcoming month promises to be very inspiring, educational, rewarding and fun. On March 5 we will be making food for the North Springfield Warming Shelter. We are on the books for a main dish and we are planning a vegetable pot pie. Hopefully there will be enough biscuits left over for us!
The most exciting news is that we will be beginning a series of sessions with Jamie Malouf, who is going to work with the children to create a medicine wheel on the property of the church, creating a permanent, sacred space of the children's own design. We anticipate this to take at least two to three sessions just in learning about medicine wheels, exploring possible designs, deciding on a design and what shall go in the medicine wheel (rocks, flowers, herbs, etc.), starting seeds, etc. The first two sessions will take place on March 12 and March 19, so don't miss it!! (As previously planned, there will be no RE on March 26.)
Finally, our ice cream social to benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation is going to be held on March 24 from 6:30 - 7:30. Children should arrive at 6:00 to set up. I am going to be in charge of procuring the ice cream, and the children are each being assigned a topping to bring. Look for a separate email about that next week.
I am very excited about this new project with Jamie and I hope your children will be too!