Happenings in Religious Exploration: February-March
/By Lisa Crocker, Editor of RE at Chester Universalist
The RE program is embarking on a series of programs that teach the children about the UU Principles. Last week, we began with Principle 1, the inherent worth and dignity of every person, explained to the children as we believe that each and every person is important. The principle was illustrated with stories and games and lots of discussion about what makes us valuable, material things vs. human qualities. The children had a great grasp of this principle!
We also have incorporated a time at the end of each program for Worship. During this time, we set up a special worship center, light a chalice, sing a prayer for peace, perhaps have a reading or a song, and close by holding hands in our circle and reciting the principle we just learned. This is a wonderful time of peace and unity among us.
I would like to create more intergenerational opportunities within the program. One way I can do this is by having a weekly RE volunteer from the congregation who comes down with the children and simply participates with the children, offering a helping hand when needed. This would be an easy, stress-free way to experience the RE program while getting to engage with our amazing children.
If you would like to choose a week to volunteer, just email me at lisaarlenecrocker@gmail.com and I will put you in the slot. Right now, we have no volunteers, so the schedule is open for you to choose a Sunday that works for you or has a topic you are interested in exploring with the children.
Sunday, 2/5
Principle 2: Justice, equity and compassion in human relations
- We believe that all people should be treated fairly and kindly.
Sunday, 2/12
Make A Wish Fundraiser
Sunday, 2/19
Sunday, 2/26
Fundraiser Prep
Sunday, 3/5
Warming Shelter Main Course
Sunday, 3/12
Principle 3: Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations
- We believe that we should accept one another and keep on learning together.
Sunday, 3/19