Painting the Safe Haven at Singing River Farm

The painting of the safe-haven offers the members and friends of the First Universalist Parish a way to show our support for this most worthwhile endeavor to provide a home in the United States for families seeking asylum. Many people have been hard at work since late summer putting up studs and walls and installing heating and plumbing. Now we at First Parish have been given the opportunity to make our contribution to the community effort to build a home for displaced families.

Learn more about the safe haven project at Singing River Farm.

Steve Crofter thinks we will be ready in a couple of weeks to gather with paint, brushes, rollers and enthusiasm to contribute the finishing work of this very special home.

Needed are: primer, paint, (light colors), drop clothes, rollers, brushes, sticks for stirring….any and all the equipment that you have on hand for a painting project. We hope to receive gallons of latex paint, or near-gallons, that you will not be using. The colors need to be light; the paint may need to be mixed so we have enough of one color to complete a room.

Please call Gretchen McCabe if you have painting supplies or paint or if you would like to sign up for the actual painting. The apartment size will accommodate six (6) painters at one time. If you have a group of one, two or more who want to paint on the same day we can schedule you in for the day you are available.

Box lunches will be served to painters. Please let me know if you would like to help assemble the lunches.

If you are interested in helping, please contact us and we will put you in touch with Gretchen.