We are a very small choir at a small church.  We usually sing in just 2 parts because there are not enough of us to sing in 3 or 4.  We are regular people, not professional musicians. And we love to sing!

Because our congregation is small, we need to support them in hymn singing as much as we possibly can.  We’ve set out on a mission to learn the hymn book, and record the hymns as we go along, so that we’ll have a reference for ourselves, for new singers to our choir, and even for singers in other choirs who might like to use it to learn the hymns and explore as we are.

Many churches choose the same hymns over and over again simply because when a new hymn is introduced, and nobody knows it, and the rhythm of service suffers.  As Music Director of First Universalist Parish of Chester, I have been excited to explore new hymns which we use to tie the music in to the message in a clearer manner than just using the same old ditties.  Singing the Living Tradition and Singing the Journey have some amazing songs!!  Let’s learn them together!

Some of the videos will be of our small Parish Choir.  Some videos will be of our larger church sponsored interfaith community choir – the Peace Choir.  Some will have 2 parts, some will have more. We’ll do what we can to help you learn the hymns as we learn them.  We welcome you to join in our journey through the hymns.

Julane Deener, Valerie Linck, and the First Universalist Parish Choir

Project Recordings